Thursday, November 6, 2008


i have always admitted, sometimes to a point of being annoying that i am really f*cking bored. it's as if life has nothing more to offer but pain and suffering and frustration and despair etc etc etc.

yet in the absence of excitement i see a little flicker of thrill, in the idea that life ain't life without such negation; that the cliche 'one won't know how sweetness tastes like if one haven't had an encounter with bitterness' has truth in it.

more than a month ago, i made a close contact with the ripper. the scars have healed, yet the pain remains. and i guess that'll be the case for days to come.

when asked why i did it, why did i try to expedite my extinction, i simply say the main reason is boredom. too vague to comprehend? yeah i too haven't got the slightest idea why i'm so f*cking bored.

i spend the last months bumming around the house, watching discovery channel, nat geo, history chanell, etc. my life was at a standstill, and it still is. i don't know how to start all over again. ironically, i remain optmistic. crazy.

i maybe ruined, beyond repair, but i keep hanging on.

& i'm f*cking loving boredom.


Anne said...

hmmmmm.. nice to hear from you a gain... you've been dormant since God knows when... :) boredom? let's go for a kill!

poetinhybernation said...

hehe i've always been bored. yeah i'm back, hopefully for good. i've actually gone for a kill, but failed unfortunately. hehe well anyway, thanks for dropping by. keep in touch.

Anne said...

prolific and eccentric writers like you should use that quill as often as the sun sets.... :) i'll drop by every now and then to check what's cooking! :)

Unknown said...

jae jae jae... i thought you have been dead. i am the epitome of boredom, and of wandering. follow the lead.... and oh, whats is this? hmmm
